Amazon Top Reviews Scraper is a free Amazon product review information scraping template designed to help you quickly extract popular review data displayed on Amazon product detail pages.
You only need to input the product detail page links you want to collect, supporting multiple inputs, then create and run the template task. In a very short time, you'll get the data you want.
Collected Data
Table preview:
ASIN | RatingScore | ReviewTitle | ReviewLink | ReviewedIn | ReviewDescription | ReviewerName | ReviewerLink | Verified | ReviewReaction | Variant | ReviewImage1 | ReviewImage2 | ReviewImage3 | ReviewImage4 | ReviewImage5 | ReviewImage6 |
B08BHHSB6M | 5.0 out of 5 stars | Perfect condition and gorgeous color | | Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2024 | I could not have asked for a better buying experience. Perfect condition, battery, and appearance. Beautiful color, and it worked like a charm! Battery is as if it’s brand new. | Jennifer Luedtke | | Verified Purchase | 2 people found this helpful | | ||||||
B08BHHSB6M | 5.0 out of 5 stars | Looks new. | | Reviewed in the United States on May 31, 2024 | The phone is great so far no issues starting it up or transferring data. Little to no scratches on it. So far so good | Lisa Wricks | | Verified Purchase | ||||||||
B08BHHSB6M | 4.0 out of 5 stars | My phone | | Reviewed in the United States on October 29, 2024 | It's 83 percent battery life and I expected 100 but otherwise no fault as yet | Iesha redwood | | Verified Purchase | | | | |||||
B08BHHSB6M | 5.0 out of 5 stars | Works great. | | Reviewed in the United States on December 20, 2023 | Got for my niece and it works wonderful. She’s had no issues, we bought around Nov 9th. Everything works perfectly on it!! | Bailey Nicholson | | Verified Purchase | One person found this helpful | | | |||||
B08BHHSB6M | 5.0 out of 5 stars | Not used, just experienced | | Reviewed in the United States on March 18, 2022 | This is a step up from my 6 phone so a few new features to learn but so far so good. Good condition, love the color. And it told me when I had a spam call which was great. I have other refurbished items that are still serving me well - I expect this phone to be one as well. | Coppermoon | | Verified Purchase | 4 people found this helpful | |||||||
B08BHHSB6M | 1.0 out of 5 stars | Not a fan / returned | | Reviewed in the United States on March 13, 2023 | This phone was promised to have battery life of 90% and they sent a phone lower than 90% while it was only 1%. It was still irritating because it said it was supposed to be 90 or above not below. They didn’t offer any type of partial refund or anything also, there was obvious wear and tear and that’s not supposed to be the case for the renewed premiums. | Jenn Seeber | | Verified Purchase | One person found this helpful | |||||||
B08BHHSB6M | 5.0 out of 5 stars | Like new | | Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2022 | I purchased the renewed premium, phone did not have any scratches and battery was %100. I was lucky to get this phone it is basically brand new. Everything is functioning on the phone | Kim | | Verified Purchase | ||||||||
B08BHHSB6M | 5.0 out of 5 stars | Was good | | Reviewed in the United States on June 21, 2024 | Lost this phone. | John H. Thompson | | Verified Purchase | ||||||||
B08BHHSB6M | 5.0 out of 5 stars | QUEDE SATISFECHO | Reviewed in Mexico on April 1, 2022 | Recibi el producto antes del tiempo señalado. vino como nuevo, bateria al 95 %, sin rayaduras. llevo dos meses con el y hasta el momento ha funcionado muy bien. | Miguel Angel Jimenez Martinez | Verified Purchase | ||||||||||
B08BHHSB6M | 5.0 out of 5 stars | Excelente compra | Reviewed in Mexico on January 22, 2022 | Todo funciona bien, es un excelente producto debido a la calidad y al precio, llego con 100% de salud de batería y no me ha dado ninguna falla, recomendado!! | Danyael | Verified Purchase | | | |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I collect product reviews from different Amazon country sites?
A: You can directly input product links from different Amazon country sites, which will allow you to collect review data from different countries.
Q: Why are there only 13 reviews for each product?
A: This template only collects popular reviews displayed on the product detail page. According to current Amazon rules, this page includes 8 reviews from the site's country and 5 reviews from other countries, so there are a maximum of 13 reviews in total.
Q: What if I want to collect more reviews?
A: You can use [Amazon Reviews Scraper], [Amazon Reviews Scraper (PRO)], or other scraping templates.
Q: Why can't I collect any data?
A: When Amazon considers your network environment risky, or if the proxy IP you're using is deemed unsafe by Amazon, Amazon will display a CAPTCHA. When scraping locally, you can open the browser to check if a CAPTCHA appears. If it does, you can pause the task, enter the CAPTCHA, and then continue running.
Q: How do I change the Amazon website language?
A: After creating a template task, you can open the task settings, switch to the browser options tab, set the browser language to your desired language, save, and then run the task again.